Dept. of Biotechnology and Biosciences
University of Milano-Bicocca
Piazza della Scienza 2, 20126 Milan
Contact me: m.dedivitiis1@campus.unimib.it
Short Bio
Financed projects
On the path to circular economy: biotechological approaches to formulate biodegradable rubber compounds- project funded by Pirelli Tyre S.p.A.
From local dairy waste to SUgar blocks for the synthesis of bioPoLymerS (SUrPLaS) – project funded by Fondazione Cariplo
Marcella de Divitiis holds a Masters Degree (2021) in Industrial Biotechnology from Università Milano-Bicocca, with a master thesis in enzymology, experience from which she collaborated to her first scientific paper. Then, she won a research fellowship in the same university aiming to biotechnologically valorise dairy waste. Here, she published two scientific papers, one of which as first author.
In 2022, she won a PhD grant in Material Science on a project funded by Pirelli Tyre S.p.A aiming to assess the biodegradability of rubber compounds, with her work focusing on investigating rubber-degrading microbial communities and microbial action on materials, with the goal of rational-designing sustainable rubber compounds to enhance their biodegradability.
She participated in national and international conferences and spent 6 months abroad in Prof. W. Streit’s lab, at Hamburg University, where she focused on metagenomic analyses of tyre-deriving microbial communities and biofilm formation on rubber surfaces.