Mirko Frigerio Verga  

PhD Student

Dept. of Biotechnology and Biosciences
University of Milano-Bicocca
Piazza della Scienza 2, 20126 Milan

Contact me: m.frigerioverga@campus.unimib.it

  • Short Bio
  • Projects
  • Publications

Financed projects

“Biotechnological approaches to support sustainable agriculture”  co-financed by Sipcam Oxon S.p.A. and PNRR

Mirko Frigerio has a master’s degree in industrial biotechnology (2022), obtained from Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Currently, he is a second-year student in the PhD course “Tecnologie convergenti per i sistemi biomolecolari” (TeCSBi).

Mirko is currently working on the project “Biotechnological approaches to support sustainable agriculture” financed by Sipcam-Oxon, a chemical company producing agropharmaceuticals, aiming to shift towards more sustainable processes to produce their commodities. During this project, he will focus on fermentation of fungi in liquid colture to produce spores that act against pest insects, production of recombinant enzymes with industrial relevance and plant cell lines manipulation and metabolic engineering to produce secondary metabolites useful in agriculture. 

Mirko is currently tutoring a master’s student and has experience in tutoring bachelor’s students.