Dept. of Biotechnology and Biosciences
University of Milano-Bicocca
Piazza della Scienza 2, 20126 Milan
Contact me: s.ceccarossi@campus.unimib.it
Short Bio
Financed projects
Agro2Circular – The hidden value of agrifood sector residues (Horizon 2020)
Sofia’s main interests are sustainability and waste recycling for the development of a greener industry. After her graduation in medical Biotechnology at the University of Brescia (2022), she decided to change path and focus more on industrial biotechnology.
She obtained her master’s degree in Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy at University of Milan in 2024, after an internship experience at the IndBiotechLab (University of Milano-Bicocca): she worked in the frame of the European project Agro2Circular, with the aim to valorise agro-industrial solid waste (biomass and plastic).
Now, Sofia is working at IndBiotechLab as a PhD student in Biodiversity, focusing her research on biotechnological routes to produce bulk chemicals as green solvents.